May 2, 20223 min

Five common questions you might have before branding

Updated: May 31, 2022

An FAQ of the five most common questions you might have before branding to guide you through the decision of engaging in branding.




When I walk into a barbershop it’s easy, predictable and usually delivers a pretty consistent haircut no matter where I go. I don’t need to ask questions along the lines of, “I don’t like my hair-do, but do I really need this haircut?” or “others do it cheaper, why are you more expensive?”.

There may be times when I want something different but I’m not sure what would be better than the 2 back and sides, with a shorter length on top request I usually go with. Though if I did, guess what? I’d trust the person cutting my hair for what they think would be best — after all, they do this day in, day out.

Funnily enough, I actually drop this on a barber a week before my wedding and told him it was for my big day…the guy freaked out and nearly dropped his scissors and comb. So there aren’t really many if any, unknowns apart from specific tools or hair products a barber uses.
This is contrary to the experience many business owners have when considering branding.

Which, if I’m honest, is a real shame that it’s not a crystal clear service many people understand before getting into it and make an informed decision. It was something I’d not even realised before offering to help clients with their branding when I started my branding consultancy, G’day Frank.

To be fair, it’s totally reasonable given there’s not really any set-in-stone process every marketer or branding person/team follows, or exact deliverable handed over at the end of it all, especially as every brand is different and not every branding project will need the same deliverables. The crazy thing though, is that most of us (branding and marketing people) have a different definition of what brand and branding means — myself included. So it’s no wonder you’re confused if we’re not clear on what it is we deliver as an industry and help you with to succeed in business. But I’ll say this as a consolation, the common goal is to connect with the most viable consumers so that they buy and keep buying what you have to offer.

As a result of these unknowns, no matter where you are in the world, I encounter the same questions during initial consultations with business owners and teams about their brand and the process of developing and growing it. So this is a guide for you if you’ve thought or are currently thinking, “yep, we need better branding than what we have” but have been unsure of:

  1. What you actually need to succeed at minimum or at most

  2. What you actually get as a result of branding, and

  3. How much you have to pay to get it

All of these thoughts are baked into 5 responses to 5 frequently asked questions I’ve fielded over the last 4 years that I hope will deliver some clarity to see branding not only as a worthwhile investment but as a part of your business that needs to constantly evolve and adapt.

So here are the five FAQs — you can collapse the one that is most relevant for you right now as each response is far more detailed than most FAQs you’ll typically see… or read them all if you have time, given this is an article too.


Well, that’s 5 hefty responses to 5 common questions I’m asked by clients.

You’d have thought I’d have more succinct answers. Though as I said towards the start, this is an article and I hope it serves as a bit of a catch-all depending on your needs and the type of brand you have — especially with some links sprinkled in there to additional resources I’ve written that may be of further help now or after engaging in your branding. Which you can find here on my blog.

So in the event you’d like to get in contact, we can skip right past these questions and get to the root of what your ambition is with your brand to get the ball moving! My contact info is below and even if now isn’t the time, why not say G’day anyway on Linkedin or Instagram or drop me an email.
